In the introduction to "Assessing the effects of ICT in education - Indicators, criteria and benchmarks for international comparisons", the editors Friedrich Scheuermann and Francesc PedrĂ³, state that:
"... despite the fact that education systems have been heavily investing in technology since the early 1980s, international indicators on technology uptake and use in education are missing. For more than 25 years education systems have been able to design and implement policies in this domain without those indicators..."
In my opinion, the report fits well in the aims and purposes of the course on "Educational technologies", because indeed, every week we are confronted with the question on the use and perceived benefits of ICT in educational settings, but without hard research data to structure the discussion, our views remain just opinions and feelings, coloured by our personal affinity or dislike towards ICT.
As such, the book does not provide any data as of yet, but clearly demonstrates the need to develop a consensus around approaches, indicators and methodologies aims to provide a basis for the design of frameworks, the identification of indicators and existing data sources, as well as gaps in areas needing further research.
The book is a collection of articles that found their origins in the April 2009 meeting of international experts organised by the Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRLL), in co-operation with the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), on benchmarking technology use and effects in education and is organised around four blocks:
The book is a collection of articles that found their origins in the April 2009 meeting of international experts organised by the Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRLL), in co-operation with the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), on benchmarking technology use and effects in education and is organised around four blocks:
- Contexts of ICT impact assessment in education
- State-of-the-art ICT impact assessment,
- Conceptual frameworks
- Case studies.
An interesting read and perhaps the basis of a research project in the future...
Indicators, Criteria and Benchmarks for International Comparisons
OECD, Joint Research Centre- European Commission. Published by : Joint Research Centre- European Commission
Version: E-book (PDF Format)
Imprint: Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
Publication date: 02 Jun 2010
Language: English
Pages: 217
ISBN: 9789264079786
OECD Code: 962009111E1
Electronic format: Acrobat PDF
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