Sunday, December 16, 2012

ToonDoo – What can your students do,too?

As described in their website, Toondoo is a free tool by Jambav to create comic strips which can provide enjoyable time   for small children. These  online comics can be used by teachers in their educational instruction with students having various skills and interests. It is expressed in the website that Toondoo has been created taking students who are not so talented in drawing into consideration.

In the website, there are different tools provided. As expressed in , with these tools, it is possible to "create", "personalize" , "folder" and "publish" your comics. Why to use comics in the classroom instruction? It is stated in the site that difficult terms in science or maths can be explained more concretely through images and pictures. In addition, they can get the students' attention and keep it longer compared to traditional verbal instruction or textbook information . Although teachers have the chance to create the comics themselves and use them in their class, students can create their own,too. In this way, teacher can see how each student has sensed a certain concept and how they have expressed their own imagination and cognition through strips. It is added in the site that this is a way to assess their computer skills.

In lign with Bloom's cognitive taxonomy, the students can reach the last level "synthesis" in the creating process. They can express what they know about the content with only a few pictures and words. But, it needs deep understanding and analysis.  Some content which is regarded as boring by the students can be made enjoyable through these comic strips.

Although the use of this tool with science course is emphasized in the site, it may provide benefit to the other courses such as literature and  language,too. For example, students in language course can create comics about daily events such as weather, shopping, asking for direction,etc.  Pierson & Glaeser (2005) conducted a study with two elementary school teachers who used comic strip conversations with their four students having difficulty in social behaviours. The results show that all of the students exhibited development in their behaviours and problem-solving skills in social dimension. This study gives an implication of using comics in social sciences.

I think if computer skills are taken into aaccount, it may create a disadvantage for students who are not as competent as their mates. If the teacher's aim is to see the students' understanding of science content, their computer level should be disregarded as a part of evaluation.


Pierson, M. R. & Glaeser,  B. C. (2005). Extension of Research on Social Skills Training Using Comic Strip Conversations to Students Without Autism. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 40(3), 279–284.

1 comment:

  1. I rarely see cartoons being use in the classroom as a formal learning.
    However, the value of using cartoons in class can close the relationship’s gap between teacher and students further it will increase attention, interest, and motivation of students toward the learning process in classroom. I found one book “Essentials of Educational Technology”, mangal (2009) says that a good cartoon provides proper illustrations for teaching and clarifying many concepts and ideas related to various subjects in a very interesting way. Moreover, cartoon will provide opportunity for the expression and development of creative talents among the children. I found a clip video from Youtube, it’s about how kids use this tool.

    Mangal, S.K. (2009). Essentials of Educational Technology. New Delhi. Baba Nath Printers.
